Was Zeus
I was thinking about what in RS actually takes skill, seeing as nowadays ur game (RS3) is just so stupidly easy its not worth playing
I think keying in early dg is probably the most skillful shit ever in this game, the hardest role to ever be made. Keyers were an actual role and having a good one was needed for you to do good floors.
Does anyone have some good memories of keying they can share? Or does anyone have pics/vids of best keying? (remember bulls dging outside of dg in the varrock sewers lol)
I know a lot of the spin era players wont even know what keying is and dont even know that it was a thing.
Is there anything u would consider harder than being a rekord keyer in 2011?
Dg back then was fun, way more fun with friends. We took turn keying, blinks KAPOW was annoying, gotta build that altar at base or gate an altar room, someone holding a key and trolling the team, soulgazer amg hex, food hoarding, feeding the nerd tanking skeletons at necro boss, etc etc etc.
They all went to play LoL. I went to play WoW and some on and off RS. We all like teamwork related things to do, other games offer more of that then RS nowdays.
Hard nowdays is Telos enraged. Not many people can do that.
Keying, some dg bosses when they had actual strats, and I'd also say castle wars back then too. Cw required a lot of strats and coordination whether you were capping or defending, was a lot of fun.
Efficient dg skilling takes skill on ironman. Not many know how to do it, not many do it efficiently, etc. I believe dg cooking is like 200k xp/h, dg crafting is possibly more?? so yea, perhaps not harder then being a "rekord warped keyer" in 20xx ... but it takes skill.
Uhh, I would also say top 100 at any boss (with these new boss time highscores they're doing) takes skill.... someone can do all of the bosses for 5k kc and not get close to any record times. Basically any bossing at all near record times is difficult because you're doing a lot of switching at correct times and what-not
I get nostalgia bro, I've got my (almost 15 yr) 10 yr cape. My favorite days were honestly 2005-2008 era, I put in so many hours and never had more fun in the game then at that time. Before then is kind of a blur for me and it was fun but not CRAZY fun.
"Why are you posting threads, asking questions and making discussion???"
keyers suck at pvm pvmers suck at keying.
There is no such thing as a Keyer anymore because everybody shares the keys and what made keying hard died when eoc came out.
keyers suck at pvm pvmers suck at keying.
Lol just from this comment alone I can tell you dont even know what keying is
It hasnt existed for like 5 years