The time invested part rings true, too much time spent 1000s of hours and to throw it all away is hard to do. I hear that bit a lot with the players that come back, hate rs3, wish to go to osrs only to find they have to restart from scratch at lvl 1 for os. Then they say f that and either quit or swallow their pride.
The catch up game people have to play doesn't seem pleasant. I always hear lower lvl friends preach about oh I can't wait to get curses, oh i can't wait to priff, they either get burned out or rush so fast. Once they hit that goal do they care to play further or did they even enjoy the ride up to that point.
Logging in after many years only to find you have to grind just to do what most others are currently doing is probably a turn off if they don't enjoy point a to point b. That's the issue they would face with this 120 all skills talk, you further the goal posts and destroy any motivation to play an even further catch up game.
The games probably too far invested in eoc to do some radical combat change for everything so I think they'd keep bleeding out old vets who find an afkscape or xpscape replacing the old game they loved.
Menaphos and the salty title were so out of touch for em. Idk who thought injecting a livid farm esque grind would be well recieved by their players. The dimension of the damned was the most hilarious blunder especially with all the qa stuff they posted around that month or prior, think 1/4th got killed by a bug or such.
I think they're gambling everything on mobile. If when released and their work output with content amount doesn't improve they won't have an excuse to have large droughts of no content.
You made a good point with if they have droughts or only small live events what exactly are they doing with that time leftover? So far in most's eyes it seems to be crickets, mobile, or some side remastered project. Both of which are very far off things and not something to login in for today which equals breaks or quit.
10-Nov-2018 21:00:17