I have another idea for rs and mmorpg maybe.
Some of my friends are playing old school and I was thinking it would be fun to maybe get 99 cooking as it makes a profit till 99. But then I discovered that I would need cooking gauntles for which I would need to complete several quests. The idea of first having to do 1 or more quests before being able to do something simple like runecrafting or cooking kinda put me of from the whole idea. For casual gamers (which I am now lol) it is a bit annoying that you have to complete quests before being able to do some skilling activities,even to 99.
Is it not an idea to make quests more optional by not giving them rewards related to skilling. I can see quests are awesome for many players but there is also a large group of players for who quests are a grind that they would rather skip.
Quests could get other rewards maybe,like more direct xp and gp rewards. This would give option of a bit more varied gameplay where people can play the content they like without having to play some of the content they don't like. It could make the game a bit more accessible,specially now with mobile could be interesting?
20-Nov-2018 18:46:37