Psyop Egirl
Did you ever spend days at castle wars when you were a low level?
Many, many days. Had a laugh though!
Did you ever merch colored (canafis) gloves to F2P players?
Haha! Yes, I totally did.
Did you ever use the text effects "scroll" "shake" "flash" "wave"?
Do you remember the first time you got scammed? Do you remember the name of the player?
I *nearly* got scammed by someone wearing Black (g). Don't think I've ever been properly scammed though
Do you remember how and where you got 43 prayer?
Edgeville Monastery, Dec 31st 2007
Do you remember the first time you voice chatted with someone you met on RS?
Yes, and isn't it weird? They never sound like how you expect.
Do you remember the first clan you joined?
Eastern Crusaders for ever!
Did you ever bring telegrabs to the wizard tower incase the lesser demon dropped a rune med or mith sq?
No, and it dropped a rune med. It disappeared before I managed to run back.
Did you ever walk around with every type of rune in your inventory so your whole spellbook was lit up?
No, but now I want to try it!
Do you remember your first rune item you purchased?
Longsword. I always used longswords, scimitars are overrated
Do you remember the first "new" skill that came out when you started playing?
Properly playing, farming - though the first I could engage with was Dg
Did you ever plan out skilling in some super inefficient way because it would make you money?
Yes, all the way to 99 smithing (with a friend to 99 mining). We'd split the profits and have 5.6B each...
Do you remember when people used to post on the forums?
I was a late comer to the forums so no