My first was Woodcutting, partially by accident; I was aiming for it to be my first 99 but I didn't realize I was so close and thus I achieved it without any real fanfare.
My last was Archaeology, as I took my time with that skill due to how it has become my favorite skill in the game.
Jaekob Caed
: Scribe, Scholar and Prince of the Kingdom of Heaven ~
Slayer first, and before Archaeology was released, I believe Runecrafting was my last. I could be wrong though, I admit there was a bit of a contest between a few that I didn't enjoy very much. RC, Hunter, Farming and Construction, if I recall correctly.
first was fletch last was inv before arch came out maxed with an old clanny changed our names to "HiImMaxed" and "HiImMaxed2" so when we maxed together the global broadcast looked cool XD
My first 99 was Construction, and for the longest time I refused to get another 99 until I had a way to protect my untrimmed cape. Luckily, Keepsakes came along and I kept my untrimmed there ever since.
My latest 99 is of course Archaeology, but the 99s I got when maxing were Strength and Attack, which I 99'ed at the same time.
Last was archeology only a few days ago.
I dont think i have gone furtheer then 70 myself,everything after that has come from TH and oddment store sales without buying extra keys. Its kinda doable if you are patient.
12-Dec-2021 00:46:58
- Last edited on
12-Dec-2021 00:50:08
H Rassy