I greatly dislike Kalphite King as well. His stuns are beyond OP considering they put your entire bar on cooldown.
It's just way too random (and easy to lose kills) for me to enjoy it. RotS is different because you have some form of control over it.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
It all depends on howfast you're killing each tbh
KK 4 minutes
Rots 2-2.5 minutes
But kk 40-65m drygores for ~10-15m splits.
Few if any shields at rots, 10-15m and if you don't personally get it, you don't benefit since it's all keep instead of split now.
It's somewhat equal but rots drop is just sooo non-existent for me.
I'm bad and I feel bad.
I never really understood why rots is keep tbh. I'm so used to splitting eveything (including stuff like pess at nex) between all teammates, even if there's someone learning or not as good as the rest of the team.
Assuming the your 3 teammates are all roughly as good as you why wouldn't you split shields?
But a large part of the money earned at rots is in commons/ens and KK onlu really has gores (onyx bolts and a few seeds is only good common I can think of)
But kk 40-65m drygores for ~10-15m splits.
Few if any shields at rots, 10-15m and if you don't personally get it, you don't benefit since it's all keep instead of split now.
Wat... People don't split shields?
I guess the age of PvM where it was split anything even if you die is gone.. I liked it, was a lot more fair.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Yeah, what Lordi said. I like teaching people how to PvM, it's not fair that they don't get splits because they didn't fully understand a mechanic or something along those lines.
Unslain Bosses - Clan