Would like to think that may be easiest combo? INB4NO
My major problem: PANIC EATING
But, kinda gotta with my crap connection to compensate. And the delay in dodgin the cleave is...
Just need this one kill fer Boss Slayer tomorrow. Tho, if it comes out in mornin, lose the bonus stats of my comp, unless it's not that much greater than Max - haven't compared.
Was thinkin of maybe recording a kill, then if I die again, show ya'll to analyze and see what I do wrong etc.
For 1+3 I take shadow path and use shield whole phase
on phase 3 I use shield till minions are gone
Keep using debilitate and remember to anticipation and freedom every 4 attacks, I do 4 instead of 5 because then you don't have to worry about misscounting/counting at all really, since cocoon is 4 till next instead of 5, you don't loose out on anti/freedom timer either way.
Just want the 1 kill really. Farming any boss worth it's salt with this internet connection is a big case of
My gear, just to check with ya'll in case I can improve:
Pernix Cowl
Pernix Body
Pernix Btm
Them Gloves from them Robots that do The Range Bonus, Yeah Them
Glaiven Boots
Comp Cape
Sniper Neck (whatever the equivalent of Arcane Stream is called)
6th Age Circuit
Penance Aura
Vamp Scrim
Zaryte Bow
Port of Death
Will now be 2x Overloads (took me so long to damage it in p1) flasks
1 prayer renew flask
1 sup rest flask
1 p pot flask
1 adren flask
ton of brews and some rtail soups
Yak full of 15 brews, 16 rtail soups
That any good? Don't have any of the ports armours, got like, the helm bit for each set maybe, dat it.
Your jokes are awful, as always. :c
- Music produced from the <3 -
Very rude, Rwh.
+ Yea, Akhy. Acid and Shadow seems to be easiest rotation.
Also, doesn't vamp scrimshaw only work for melee..? Could be better to change to vamp aura with cruelty/ranging scrimshaw.
I've just killed all the other bosses, Nihils in the quest, every other quest boss monster recently released with it on and mostly using magic, occasionally range - AND IT DID FACK ALL?!?!