Not only that. The XP/H for EoC went way up and pures became less viable. Remember that 99 Attack pure you had with 10 hp? Well he now sucks. And even with the old 138 system returning, he will still suck. Not saying I ever had those pures but a lot of people were 10hp obby maul prods that rushed a lot of low levels. Some were CVLS prods with 40 hp lol.
The no xp waste attitude that everyone has is what killed them.
It pissed me off when Heist came out that everyone was just boosting it for the Thief xp.
I remember Mod Ryan joking that they should just stop releasing content and just make a tree that players can stand next to, not doing anything, and it'd give you 200k/hr bonus wc xp. It'd be the most popular content in RS.
This is true, they have always sucked. But it's what made them suck which people liked about them. 138 PvP fights were snowballed a lot and was all mostly luck. No Honour Pure Hybridding probably took more skill than higher level hybridding. Having no defence sucks entirely, but it makes you hit more I guess. Then again, there's barely any 0s in both legacy PvP and live game PvP.
Oh man, need to try to get Sam's hat. Guess I'll be logcooking for a while lol.
"If good things lasted forever, would we appreciate how precious they are?" - Bill Watterson