Debilitiate to Anticipation to Slice to Pulverize makes Corp easy for a bit.
But yeah I prefer Berserk to Assault when Core isn't out. I think Chaotic Spear might outdps Drygores at Corp now. Even post accuracy nerf. Drygores can sometimes beat Zammy Spear. Alot of people like to disagree but they don't cycle the Abilities right lol.
You have to dodge the core with the Spear since Hurricane and Quake won't KO it well and killing Core is timewaste most times. Whereas Flurry can kill the Core NP.
It can. But it honestly snowballs when it comes to which one is better. If you do it right. Revenge + Berserk + tanking a few core hits to Assault can outdps Dual Wield Drygores entirely. But that's effort and risky.
I've tested both and the only reason I still take spear is because of less items to protect on death.