The constant nerfing/buffing of everything really puts me off combat, to be honest... Like I logged into the Beta to help a friend with something a couple nights ago and our hp is almost 10k by default and a Nex set adds 400hp
That's kind of like... The other extreme from what they have now. I do feel armor should be about armor and not increasing your HP, though, but at least in the current live game armor seems to still have little to no effect apart from minor damage reduction.. Hopefully armor at least does something to compensate with the beta changes
I would really prefer they leave weapons/armor alone... It's been a year and a half now and it's still being changed on an almost weekly basis
I only supported because I don't feel players should have to relearn tactics for a boss that's almost 3 and a half years old. And it came with so many changes during it's course.
I'm mostly fine with the other combat updates however.
Sometimes it feels like EoC came out just yesterday
> New weapon gets released
> People create threads saying new weapon is OP at X old boss
> Jagex later act on it and buff it to make it stronger against the new weapon
..and the cycle continues. No point in buying better gear/weapons if this is just going to keep happening.
The changes to Nex are barely significant compared to the other changes, at least in my opinion... I just want the game to stay normal at some point and stop being changed every other week.
Nex does 50% more damage against the tank only when using multi target attacks
- All her single target attacks do normal damage
- That means Resonance will heal more
- Devotion and Barricade will still block most of it
- Revenge is easier to use
- All damage is reduced by 30% (effectively making her multi-target attacks do 105% of current damage against the tank, barely an increase)
Blood siphon comes sooner in the rotation
- She's usually calling Cruor before she calls a blood sacrifice in a trio anyway
Ice Prison
- This one really bugs me since there's almost no point to this... This is the only thing that changes the fight much, in my opinion
I don't even remember what the fourth change was lol
Nex was a fun boss when she was released, Nex has been a fun boss up until now... But if they're going to continue to change her all the time, I'm seriously going to lose interest
Nex is still thriving due to the fact that it's somewhat easy, decent money, fun, and is a nice alternative for those who don't like or can't access Vorago/ROTS.
All these changes do is kill the popularity Nex has and eventually it'll be a KBD/KQ that no one kills ever.
And the fact Nex is that boss where nobody can turn down to go for fun or go learn and it's not a mind boggling boss and a good starting step for players to go up in the PvM ladder should they choose to.
Vorago and ROTS however are not and do require alot more effort and work and endgame weaponry and potentially voice chat for efficient kills and to avoid deaths easier. Which let's be honest. I'm not gonna give my details away with rands I barely know just to go do those bosses.
-moves this here because it's sort of off topic of the other thread-
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Kiln is easier because you can actually safespot the Dills. Dismember and Slaughter are your best friends if you know what they do to Dills when wielding a pickaxe.
Those abilities are very handy against Dills... Unfortunately, for someone with only 80 or so attack and a rune pickaxe, they only hit about 1/8th of the time
So for the 10(?) Dills in the kiln, a lot of time gets chewed up waiting for cooldowns and 'flinching', or else you take a ton of damage because their tail pounding seems random now regardless of if you pray or not