Something I noticed though, I think so much clearer and 'sane' late at night. The shit I say/do/think during the day is stupid and borderline insane. I have no idea why I do things and when I look back I just think 'wtf why did I do that'.
I have so many regrets, big and small xD
The only saving grace is sometimes I don't act on things and manage to talk myself out of them late at night :x
Damn that Rasulo merchant! I forgot to un-note my rods or bring money so when I sold the guy my rod and feathers he paid me back 0gp. I had to go voer and kill a nice hill giant for some gold coins.
I started watching Breaking Bad a few days ago. I know I know... I'm a little slow. But I find myself too hooked.. I keep telling myself 1 more ep then I gotta go do some Loldg.. Here I am 3 eps later and about to start a 4th. >.<
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
I kinda wanna get a 120 <3 cape, does anyone know what the fastest hp xp method is? I'm assuming barrage or chins, but figured it wouldn't hurt asking.