Hi friends! If anyone is on Bandos side please come w137 to aid me against the evil Armadyleans, much appreciated. The Armadylean-controlled spots are making it difficult for me to reach alchemists quickly
Anyone know why I'm getting 2.2 bonus xp from cooking Rocktails? o.O
All I have on is my cook gloves, no clan ava, and no Army Axe.
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
why dont you have your chef stuff on lol
Cause I don't buy spins.
If someone asks me: "What does the fox say??" one more time, I'm gonna transform into a flying bullfrog and give them a leap of death.
Cooking gauntlets provide +1% cooking exp now if you've won the sous chef gauntlets. So I assume you may have won and destroyed them in the past, and they're sitting with Diango!