Hate to be "like that" But I severely doubt I'll be playing rs much at all in 2014, if not flat out quit if the eoc isn't removed.
I can't even stay logged into osrs for longer than an hour or so before getting bored of it. All I do is kill abyssal demons, I don't have any high levelled friends that I can do pvm with, and solo pvm is out of the question, because I'm still missing 10m att xp and 7m~ strength.
Same thing with rs3, while I DO have the stats, I can't stand combat, thus there's no point in bothering with anything else, because skilling is pretty much pointless, or afk to the point where I'm not actually playing, I'm watching movies.
First step would probably be make momentum much better than it currently is, it's still horrible to use for anything atm. This ability was designed for the pre-eoc combat lovers but it didn't get the job done.
First step would probably be make momentum much better than it currently is, it's still horrible to use for anything atm. This ability was designed for the pre-eoc combat lovers but it didn't get the job done.
Momentum is lame though :c
Perhaps if they updates monsters in the game to you know... actually acknowledge EoC combat it would be funner, I mean Airuts are pretty cool, if you DO Frenzy/Rapid fire it can boost your kills/hr quite a bit..just simple things to keep you paying attention make it funn, atleast for me.