I didn't mind spiritual mages pre free-trade when the boots were 550k each (despite the lack of charms + effigies + non cannon task), I'd never do them now though except in OSRS.
Currently killing so slow because d scim and only 85 att but I'd say I get about 60k~ xp an hour which is like 100 kills.
Naturally the xp/h fluctuates depending on how often I need to guthan and how badly my d scim likes to derp, also I watch a lot of tv/movies while doing them.
Lauri El
Are spiritual mages a task for the banlist? :c
Spiritual mages, LRC, Dust devils, Fire giants, and Grotworms should all be on your blocklist.
Grotworms and dusties were buffed a while back, but I never bothered to take them off to test ;s
According to Miss Dove's thread Grotworms are semi decent though (110k slay/h).