By the way guys, I'm looking at getting my 200M tomorrow, 7-7:30 GMT (8-8:30 BST, no idea on USA times, depends where you are I guess), and it'll be at the Wizard Tower bridge.
Just if you're interested.
I'll update here or PM some of you if something comes up.
I posted a thread warning players about xp changing to shared when doing sagas back when tasks came out. I guess it didn't receive much attention though lol.
[3:29:37 PM] Lathow:
[3:29:47 PM] Lathow: another prestige poll
[3:30:03 PM] Lathow: and prestige is winning again
[3:30:20 PM] Lathow: 56% is voting to keep prestige
[3:30:25 PM] Lathow: 44% is voting to remove it
I have the feeling prestige may be winning after all..