I have a complicated relationship with my parents, especially with my dad, but they know I appreciate them deep inside.
I never really bonded with my dad or step-dad. My mum split up with my dad a few months before I was born, because of something he did, so I was never particularly close with him anyway, and I don't like what he did. My step-dad, as has been explained recently, is just not a friend of mine.
I am appalled to see bugs as early as the tutorial of the game. I logged into one of my alts today first time in months so I had to do the tutorial and it was bugged from the get-go. I had to do a troll invasion tutorial but the screen was locked and an arrow pointing to nothing. I had to lobby then back in to get the tutorial fixed.
I am appalled to see bugs as early as the tutorial of the game. I logged into one of my alts today first time in months so I had to do the tutorial and it was bugged from the get-go. I had to do a troll invasion tutorial but the screen was locked and an arrow pointing to nothing. I had to lobby then back in to get the tutorial fixed.
the old tutorial island was the best, i don't know why they thought some drama-story to kill a dragon in the most complicated way possible was a good thing. :/