You mean like when you're just minding your own business trying to kill this person and then suddenly the chaos elemental teleports you away giving the other player the chance to escape?!
That would be hilarious
Or when alliances are just following each other in a "taxi" only to be slaughtered by a huge team of monsters. "Omfg RUN! GET OUT! OUR ROYAL GEAR CANNOT TANK THIS SHIT" and of course as they're running, CPK would come and kill those running with the occasional "l0l clrd" remark. Unaware of what's happened, CPK would find themselves getting cleared by those same group of monsters.
Also that fireball that you can get hit by would be some of the other dangers you could come across, only it'd actually hit you hard, not the 10s that it currently does.
31-Jul-2016 01:11:52
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31-Jul-2016 01:12:23
Went with this half raid fc half learning fc yakamumu team to help my friend loot, onslaughted stun as nt and it wasn't blocked, then died with 2 pools up my ass and no adrenaline. Are you supposed to survive that or something? Never had a stun block fail..