"Should the number of scabarites assigned by slayer masters be increased?"
Absolutely not! Even getting 30 from Nieve is bad enough!
I think they're a popular cannon task? lol
Why are people voting no to having other players hit splats be a different color than our own?! That was one of the best updates in Rs3!!
Haha the Scarabite poll is losing badly! Glad I'm not alone in despising those tasks.
Also in pokemon go, do more pokemon spawn during certain times of the day? Seattle is completely dead apparently, which seems.. incorrect. But its only 5 AM here so I can imagine theres not a lot of spawns because not a lot of people are awake?
Might not be other people scanning the area to display them maybe? Im not sure how it works but pokevision seems to only scan within a short distance of a street I type but I see the odd spawn further away so I assume all scanned pokemon are shared.
Accidently surged up a dinosaurs ass, became stuck then activated double surge and burst out its chest alien-style!
Got his dragon mattocks then crashed the clan citadel into Anachronia wiping out the dinosaurs.
The more people playing in a certain area, the more that spawn, as well as more rare ones spawn, I believe?
There were ~20 people playing with us yesterday and Pokemon were spawning every 20-30s without fail, but we did have 1-2 lure modules down too I guess. We didn't get any particularly rare ones though.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Also you can click your marker in the top left, right, bottom left, right and it'll show more Pokemon without having to wait 30 seconds.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Local players must love me spamming pokevision streets then. Seen dugtrio machoke graveller and pidgeot a couple times each as I lit up the area.
Accidently surged up a dinosaurs ass, became stuck then activated double surge and burst out its chest alien-style!
Got his dragon mattocks then crashed the clan citadel into Anachronia wiping out the dinosaurs.
You aren't God or anything, they randomly spawn, all you are doing is showing yourself exactly where they are. They don't randomly appear because you clicked the map.
Unslain Bosses - Clan
Accidently surged up a dinosaurs ass, became stuck then activated double surge and burst out its chest alien-style!
Got his dragon mattocks then crashed the clan citadel into Anachronia wiping out the dinosaurs.