But how can anything be difficult, if you are meant to do it many times? Yaka was difficult at first until everyone learned it. It is still difficult for new players, given they don't have 9 others who know what they are doing. The only reason it is easy is the experience and the knowledge you have gained from doing it many times.
But how can anything be difficult, if you are meant to do it many times? Yaka was difficult at first until everyone learned it. It is still difficult for new players, given they don't have 9 others who know what they are doing. The only reason it is easy is the experience and the knowledge you have gained from doing it many times.
Have things like Hard mode Vorago and accomplishing feats be significantly more beneficial to receiving the unique rewards, rather than just cosmetic titles. I don't think even the most experienced players will tell you that Hard mode or All together now are exactly sleep walks through content like normal mode vorago and non-feat yakamaru. I personally would enjoy more time locks on content similar to raids as well, though I understand many players prefer just endlessly farming content for a month and then abandoning it.
Uhm. Better group content that actually has the group take on better roles throughout the content. Vorago has a base tank and a bomb tank, and some revolution DPS'ers cus loltimedphases. Yaka has a base tank and north tanks, everyone else is just there to deal with the artificial difficulty of the health. Some teams use a healer which is nice, but its not really a "role" its just something one player does every 2 minutes or so. Debuffing is just throwing off 3 spells every minute and then just being a DPS'er.
Everything in RS is so over simplified that you're right, its really hard to make something difficult. Its why I think the problem is systemic, and not necessarily about any one piece of content.