Don't know about you guys but killing thousands of Airut to get 99 Inv doesn't sound like fun.
What about thousands of K'ril Tsutsaroth?!
RS3 is much more open and friendly
to newbies.
At least from my experience. My only experience with people on OSRS lately has been people screaming EoC sucks at me or asking me about new OSRS content and then getting mad at me when I say I don't know because I don't play it lol
Oh, and when people would put my name with super lowcut offers on that old trade website, so I'd get 50 pms asking if I'm selling 100 abyssal whips for 10k each still.
Oh my gosh I got that a ton as well.. Was super old after awhile
1,203 Graardor (got pet)
362 Kree'arra (got pet, and only like 600 total KC, which was nice)
1,605 Zilyana (got pet, did some extra because 10m hilts/offhand crossbows are nice)
~4,600 K'ril and counting
Wow, so are you telling me that I wasted that Furnace perk on my crystal hatchet? I thought it'd work with crystal trees even though you don't technically get anything, but still, I thought it'd be work. Because it's stupid if only one perk works...
14-Mar-2016 21:05:48
- Last edited on
14-Mar-2016 21:06:47