It's just the fact that there are hardcore and casual ways to train every other skill right?
Hardcore Invention is 4m+/hr
Casual Invention is 18k/day
Ok Jagex.
Like I've been saying a lot, I'd settle for a method that's cheap and averages 400-500k xp/h. I honestly don't care if a 2m xp/h exists that costs bank. I just want a reasonable way to level up and progress at my own speed without feeling like I'm being bottlenecked.
Currently you need to invest billions if you want to level up and make decent progress. Even the nerfed method we were doing (shieldbows u with white knight store combo) wasn't exactly cheap.
Divination was a great skill on release even though it was repetitive. Perks that were not really needed but still helped immensely (portents of life/item protection).
Then we get bad perks like... 2% extra damage on demons. 2% damage is like 36 damage, like NOTHING