Dark beasts would be good for afking and you can make some nice money with a legendary pet but if you want faster xp you can try the sara kc area or abyss/dagannoths.
Muspah is also a good choice, they're 100% aggressive all of the time w/o shard of zaros and you kill them very quickly with ancients. Also 2m/hr at least afk'ing
Dark beasts would be good for afking and you can make some nice money with a legendary pet but if you want faster xp you can try the sara kc area or abyss/dagannoths.
I like the AFK aspect and the money, I can't really afford to spend money so I don't think Abyss or Dagannoths would be too good for me.
I have a Legendary Pet as well so I guess Dark Beasts would be good then.
Subjugation with Seismics, along with Bonecrusher and Demon Horn necklace is good for it, I suppose.