Thanks, and I don't know why, I just like routine I think. ;p
I both dislike and like dailies at the same time. Well, it's more the ones who happen at an exact time I'm not too fond of, but the others I can do whenever sometime during the day I like.
I'm going to get 200m divination before things like hunter because cache + using the boost has become a routine, but skills without dailies I don't have a reason to train unless I want to or have decided to go for x amount of xp.
I'm going to get 200m divination before things like hunter because cache + using the boost has become a routine, but skills without dailies I don't have a reason to train unless I want to or have decided to go for x amount of xp.
This is true (I always actually wondered if the post-cache boost was worth capitalising on, or just leaving after getting the xp).
This is why I have a lot of xp in some skills, Divination for example, as you mention, but also Woodcutting for daily yews, but low xp in anomaly skills with meh xp rates, like Smithing or Fishing. I guess this notion of efficiency with dailies prevents me from training skills I'd sometimes like to. I've always wanted 200m div, but I can't get it any quicker than 150k xp/day without feeling like I'm wasting time.
But I like the actual act of doing them, knowing for certain each day I'm going to do these 5 or so things, it's reassuring, and as the xp is normally good, they're fun.