Alan said:
Friday clue day, 1 done many more to go
I should really do clues....still have 30ish trisks, but whenever I feel like doing one I just grab from banked monster drop/aquarium/skeletal horror
I save up my trisk frags in my loot tab and then on fridays do them, been doing them for a while now. I regret wasting all my trisk keys w/o doing the clues back in early 2014 from my no lifing rago days. Now during the week i typically wind up with an elite, do that, then do the aquarium one, then work on my trisk keys. Next week will be the last for me i'm afraid
Might go make the 15 keys i have in pieces and keep doing them.
I save up my trisks until I sell my loot tabs in the 3 pieces, then I combine them all and use them. I dislike making more before i use up all the old ones.