What's the fastest ways to Red Sandstones? Currently I have a Max Guild portal to Luminous Colony to run North because I'm too lazy to recharge my Sceptre of the Gods now and then.
Fastest way to the Oo'glog one? Or is running east from the lodestone the fastest way?
I used to do this daily but got lazy. :c
181m Slayer XP and 37,963 Edimmu slain for my
pet. Slayer is still the worst skill in the game.
Nex is already immune to summoning though because steel titans have the accuracy of a chicken.
Nihils on the other hand hit like a truck, at least on reflects
was getting smacked 1.3ks from my nihil deciding it wanted to go ham on ranged reflect one time, had to dismiss it before it killed me lol
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death