Yep from stuff like crystal trisks monster drops and crystal chests.
Are Crystal Chests worth opening?
I'm going after 100 Triskelion Keys and will use all stacked Crystal Keys I'll hoard until then (got about 400ATM), but re-thinking if it's worth it or not
I did about 4000 a few months ago (including reusing halves from the chest). I made even (at about 55k/key). But i received about 1k+ motherlode shards which are good for enhancers etc. You also get a lot of corrupted ore, I have about 30k. I did get lucky with the dstone armour drops though i think they're meant to be 1/5k? but I had all but the legs.
I guess to wait till Iowerth vos to use?
Member of the Kalos Elite Four and Team Flare.
27-Aug-2015 21:24:27
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27-Aug-2015 21:24:42
Yep from stuff like crystal trisks monster drops and crystal chests.
Are Crystal Chests worth opening?
I'm going after 100 Triskelion Keys and will use all stacked Crystal Keys I'll hoard until then (got about 400ATM), but re-thinking if it's worth it or not
I did about 4000 a few months ago (including reusing halves from the chest). I made even (at about 55k/key). But i received about 1k+ motherlode shards which are good for enhancers etc. You also get a lot of corrupted ore, I have about 30k. I did get lucky with the dstone armour drops though i think they're meant to be 1/5k? but I had all but the legs.
I guess to wait to Iowerth vos to use?
It helps, as does RoW IIRC. I just went for it though. I think you get more chance of shards back too.
Lampshades have an absolutely shocking attitude.
The most items in a drop is 6, which will fit in the gem bag. The second most is 3, after which you can gamble on it falling on the floor or lodestone to prif. With the Enhanced gem bag, you can also store the dragonstone which brings the increase in slots needed per key to 2.
Lampshades have an absolutely shocking attitude.
Also, using crystal keys is just a lot of fun and the prospect of "eventually' getting a good reward makes it kind of work like a gambling addiction. It's the reason why I am obsessed with doing treasure trails, but that's not my fault, we have the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic circuit to blame for that, so buy as many keys as you like, don't care about any loss and just have a great time!
If Sonic 1 had the Game Gear levels here's what I think the order would be
Green hill zone
Bridge zone
Marble zone
Spring yard zone
Jungle zone
Labyrinth zone
Star light zone
Scrap brain zone(has a 4th act which is a 16 bit version of act 3 from the Game Gear version)
Sky base zone
Final zone
Throwing mud at a wall, but if @JagexClock doesn't get Voice of Seren this coming Monday - would anyone be interested in a crowdsourced Twitter Bot for VoS?
A few trusted users would be able to tweet "@SerenVoice" and whenever they went to priff they'd Tweet the bot the current voices and the bot would then tweet the voices.
With enough trusted users it could be updated fairly frequently and be accurate.
Assuming Mod Easty doesn't add it of course:
181m Slayer XP and 37,963 Edimmu slain for my
pet. Slayer is still the worst skill in the game.
28-Aug-2015 04:14:29
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28-Aug-2015 04:14:49