Doing the BA method is 457 hours faster if Araxxor is pegged @ 10m gp per hour FOR Agility.
I did some thinking. SHB are infinite exp per hour per se. Saving x hours won't mean shit as long as you do another skill, i.e. if you can get 200m agility @ 68,800 exp per hour before getting the other very last skill to 200m, then BA does not matter all.
That is, if you already have the cash. If you already have ~2.9b to get 200m from 20m exp and won't be getting 5.2b exp anytime soon, then don't do BA.
BA is only useful if agility is like your last 200m and you want to get a good rank secured as a 5.2b player.
If however you're starting from ZERO GP, then the only difference between BA and no BA is how much GP you make per hour. Roughly it's 28m gp per hour to never do BA again, but if you're doing 10m gp per hour starting from 30m agility to 120 agility then that's:
88 hours (BA method) vs 177 hours (No BA) @ Araxxor making 10m gp per hour.
The true reality starting with no cash is that BA only saves you 89 hours and that's extremely minuscule.
Lifer, have to ask, why you thought getting Strength done first was better than Attack?
I got Attack done on my alt first and found it faster, I unlocked the next tier of weapons super fast xD
And imo the faster you unlock higher weapons the better the accuracy and damage. Like every 5 Attack levels I got I then did Strength then back to Attack!