After I bought gold memship I didn't cancel my recurring membership assuming the package days would count down before they charge me again, but I just got a message saying I've been charged
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
I haven't checked but if you say it's supposed to happen I'll trust you. Haven't bought the packages before this one so was just sort of confused when they said they charged me. As long as I get my 365 days of memship I payed for I'll be good
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
You buy Gold VIP - 365 days of P2P is added to your account - Your recurring subscription should only kick in when you have 3 days or less of P2P remaining
I've not had recurring P2P since VIP came out in 2012, so I don't have a clue :s
From every angle and curve, to every entangling swerve; it's all about handling nerve