Actually, if Boss Practice Mode for Nex just punts you back to the prison area, that's probably the only amazing part of the mode. Every other boss wouldn't benefit with it as much as Nex.
Practice as in kill a boss that drops nothing and waste your overloads and food to basically do a normal kill where if you die your void won't degrade oh wait it already doesn't.. no thanks.
I normally agree, but Nex is a special case. For solos, you'll die when you first learn. A lot. The run back to your grave also takes a long time, cutting down attempts per hour.
Of course, that only applies to the first successful solo. Everything else after that should be done in normal mode.
Can always use the boss portal to make returning easier. I can't see the practice mode being that good honestly, wasting supplies for no drops is bad enough and on top of that I can see it costing money too for instancing whereas the world room is free.