With only 4 out of 26 (?) bosses requiring a team, and only 2 requiring a proper team (can mass the other 2 with fcs), I feel that you gain more points if you have them enabled and just skip (or mass if possible) the tasks. Although with how they made it so pets are not buyable points have little use to me. I've had this rots task for a few days now and I'd like to do it, it's an excuse to do kills for final boss I suppose.
I'm not really a fan of araxxi so I don't do her at all, but after the new enrages I felt the need to improve. But even a 160% kill feels quite hard to me. I'll just keep going at her and try to get better I guess..
And I guess they're good if you don't mind finding people to do them or are going to final boss, but to me they're just a hassle and not worth it for a daily activity.
Not like I need points anyway :/
Points are only for hydrix. The other temporary resets and other benefits aren't really worth it. Who even pays 1/6th of a hydrix (~5m) to reset an aura..?
I don't get why the fight can't be 100% your style, it's basically close enough to not force you to bring switches but there is a small chance that it will force you to kill yourself.