I got a copy of the list tho
I don't even understand, why can't we name and shame with CLEAR evidence?
This is the response to the thread with the video
From the Forums Specific Rules 3. Posting links to offensive/harmful content and derailing threads/making spam posts is not ok.
Luring and Scamming is Harmful. So if It's hidden then It's passed along to Jagex.
If people find such videos It's best to report them direct to Jagex via E-Mail and not to make issues with them on the forums even in this section.
It's gone now and Highlighted to Jagex and that's that.
People can and will lie, even when the evidence is obvious. It happened with somebody (who is now banned) who said in every single post that they were legit.
They can lie, even when it's obvious that they are. People tell them it's pointless, and they carry on lying. The result is messy.
Also, there's no point in posting those things unless Jagex actually want them. It'd be so much simpler if they said they didn't want to see tip-offs here.
As for the "people might fall for it", people can just change their names/get alt accounts and it isn't really going to work.