And why should a guy give up his seat to a lady?
Shouldn't we give that up for elderly/injured/younger people?
Do people actually do that? I've never seen that, besides some pregnant woman maybe..
Proud owner of
So in short, I stopped being affectionate and that triggered it? I think you have it wrong, have you stopped to think that maybe I stopped being affectionate because you'd one-word me on Skype and barely talk to me anymore?
That's when I began to wonder if you had a problem with me. I even asked you PERSONALLY on repeated occasions if you had a problem with me and you'd say "Nope
". So yeah... I don't just stop being affectionate to people overnight (ask my friends, they'll tell you).
You say "Ok." to us working this out on PM but then proceed to ignore me again. It was YOU the one that referenced our conflict after RWH said the ignore thing. You know... there are forms of disruption that aren't necessarily direct, but still cause disruption.
I only give up my seat for elderly people & pregnant women (and disabled if I'm near the front of the bus and/or I'm at the back and there's no free seats)
Why do people view 90 as items that degrade to dust and gano as something that does not? Their mechanic is identical, except that you can fix gano before it hits 0%. And doing so does not change anything at all, if you think your gear will not last you long enough at a boss you can always just use a new set and combine them later to get one set. Additionally, why does everyone say degrade to dust, when they degrade to nothing?
Why wouldn't you agree to at least attempt to sort this out? Do you think I enjoy all this unnecessary drama on the lounge? Do you think others enjoy it? At least I'm willing to sort this out because I don't like conflict between clan members and old friends. I don't know about you, but I don't.
Also... way to ignore the rest of my post.
02-Oct-2014 00:29:18
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02-Oct-2014 00:29:56
Why do people view 90 as items that degrade to dust and gano as something that does not? Their mechanic is identical, except that you can fix gano before it hits 0%. And doing so does not change anything at all, if you think your gear will not last you long enough at a boss you can always just use a new set and combine them later to get one set. Additionally, why does everyone say degrade to dust, when they degrade to nothing?
Maybe it's a British thing, but dust is sort-of synonymous with "nothing".
As for the Gano thing, interesting point. I think it's because it leaves a physical item behind where-as tectonic doesn't.
Unslain Bosses - Clan