I should start getting back into my Nex routine but I cbf even going atm. I need to make some money to prepare for DXP. It's not going so well atm though. :s
The 55m profit I made off attaching Araxxi's eye to the stick is all I've made >.<
Being sucked into AFKscape again and I can't seem to escape.
- “The darkness heralds only one thing: The end of time ITSELF” -
01-Oct-2014 22:45:31
- Last edited on
01-Oct-2014 22:46:07
You probably find it fun because you can do it with better weaponry though.
With that being said. Don't I prove that technically speaking. Melee is really shitty in both PvP and PvM?
The time I have to run away from Araxxor in Drygore, you could be dealing damage. Without ultimate multipliers (Berserk/D Swiftness etc). They're all equal DPS but Melee suffers the most. And even with Berserk, it's counteractive, sure I might deal 5k damage more but I take 5k damage more too. Doesn't apply with Death Swiftness and Sunshine.
Also Berserking whilst being unlucky and getting cocooned is dps loss. Berserk has 20 seconds here. Every second lost adds up. This is the only occasion Range/Mage outdps melee coz they got the extra time.
Another pointless fact and I highly doubt anyone still does this but a Sign of Death/Life keeps Death Swiftness and Sunshine active. Doesn't for Berserk.
Last Song agrees with me when I say Berserk should lose either the half armour rating or the 50% increased damage taken under Zerk. Having both is stupid and a turn off.
I mean when's the last time you seen a Vorago/ROTS only team that primarily takes Drygores only aside from a group of crazy friends?
Yeah I know it's been MeleeScape for over 10 years (though SoA actually outdpsed Rapier lol so not true in 2012) and there were many opportunities to equalise the Triangle (Bakriminel Bolts being the let down of the year).
And Age of Empires II has nothing to do with my Melee Bias. Paladins and Champions are the best units ever.