"Equipping all pieces of the outfit increase the chance of mining ore and rocks by 7%, and removes aggression from living rock creatures"
That's if you have all of them.
Stopped my testing with Crimson Skillchompas at 33 minutes cause I gtg
My results though are 137k xp and 1200 used with voice of seren, mining outfit, t3 aura and lava titan.
Assuming the average keeps true for a full hour using all of that is about 250k xp/hr with just under 2.2k Skillchompas used at about 2.4k each for 21.1gp/xp
Use brings about wear, tear and rust, and that's a real waste.
It's not the end that I fear with each breath, it's life that scares me to death
Sigh ffs they're leaving slayer challenge as is. Please stop being so indesisive so I can keep getting my ass handed to me at spider boss.
Practice makes perfect.
Assuming you've already done Vorago/RoTS requirements as well, you should be familiar with EoC, so keep at it
Oh well...
Gotta get ready for work anyways. Someone please tell me when paths 2+3 will close.
I believe Wednesday swaps to 1+3 if im not a total derp