With the influx of Player and Forum moderators from the "Are You Community Focused" thread, do you plan on seeking out new Player and Forum moderators differently than how it has been done for the past few years?
Are you going to open up a new Community Focused sticky, or listen to the moderator requests given to you by the current moderators? Will you continue to randomly seek players out in-game?
º•,¸......º¸¸¸º......¸,•º..........A £eader of..........º•,¸......º¸¸¸º......¸,•º
.....º•,¸.........¸,•º.........†he Jovia£ Rover§........º•,¸.........¸,•º....
..........º‹,¸¸,›º...A Qµe§†ing/Qµe§† CaÞe clan..º‹,¸¸,›º.........
23-Jun-2011 05:09:08