I have a idea for Runescape. I was wondering if you guys can make an update for Rune whips,Dragon whips,Bandos whips,Guthix whip,etc. I was thinking about for the Rune whips can be for free people and Dragon whips,Bandos whips, etc. can be for members.
Here are the prices:
Rune whips: 75,000 coins
Dragon whips: 1,266,000 coins
Bandos whips: 2,864,000 coins
Guthix whips: 3,874,000 coins
Saradomin whips: 5,645,000 coins
Zamorak whips: 6,432,000 coins
Armadyl whips: 9,547,000 coins
Abyssal whips: 11,433,000 coins
28-Sep-2010 01:48:08