Hey guys,
Looks like I'm a little late to the party as I was on holiday, however not to disappoint my endearing fans here is my introduction!
My name is Mod Timbo, I enjoy RuneScape, long walks on the beach and a Mocha topped with cream. I've been at Jagex for coming up to 3 years and I'm the 'big clans dude' around here in Community Management. My biggest claim to fame for me at Jagex was my first account was created in 2001 and I was one of RuneScape's first members when the P2P game got released.
What are you listening to on your iPod right now?
I'm listening to A-ha - Take on me.
Thought it would be better to have a selection so I hit random on my iPhone and I got:
Muse - Sunburn
Paramore - Crushcrushcrush
Alestorm - Captain Morgan's Revenge
Sex Bob-omb - Threshold (SCOTT PILGRIM FTW)
Coolest looking in game item?
ZGS - I still have one just for it's looks!
Oldest console owned?
Atari ST if it can be counted as a console. Got an original Game Boy, Sega Mega Drive (Genesis for those across the pond) and SNES too.
Last book read?
This is going to show my complete lack of reading anything for a while.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (a couple of hours after it launched)
What will be your key focus in your work role over the next few months?
Where can I start? Not there because that's a secret but the biggest focus will be the Clan Cup 2011 coming over the Summer. It's a showpiece event for the whole of the clan community and during the year of clans, after the success of the Clan Camp update, its going to be mahoosive.