Mod Stevew
Hi, I'm Steve, I get called Stewy, Dub or Noob - I respond to all.
I've been playing RuneScape (quite poorly) for about 6 years, and I've been with Jagex for about 4 years. When I'm not at work my free time is taken up entertaining my 2 kids grrrrr (I love them really) which usually involves either spending a lot of money or doing anything related in any way at all to Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.
What are you listening to on your iPod right now?
The Worlds On Fire Live album from The Prodigy, I challenge you to listen to it and stay still at the same time - not possible.

Coolest looking in game item?
Dagon'hai robes - no question.
Oldest console owned?
Sega Genesis.
Last book read?
I'm not a big book fan, probably the Hobbit - I recall picking up my copy to give my kids to read and ended up reading it again myself before I handed it over.
What will be your key focus in your work role over the next few months?
I'm going to have a good long look at the forums and see if we can do something to offer people more functionality. Apart from that I want to build on player feedback - we need to get you guys involved more - whether that's player councils, real life meetings - I don't know right now, but it's one to build on.
02-Jun-2011 15:45:47 - Last edited on 03-Jun-2011 09:32:04 by Mod Crow