"No! Stay away from the red wall!"
"Zomg! I wasn't expecting that!"
"Invisible crucifix ftw!"
"Don't worry! I have nothing hidden behind me!"
"...and that is my evil plan! Muhahahahaha!"
"Aaaargh ...right in the face!"
"Mom! I'm on TV!"
"Give me starjumps, private!"
01-Apr-2011 16:49:20
- Last edited on
08-Apr-2011 11:58:38
Hello my captions are:
1) Where are the strings?
2) Invisible spiders web
3) Sergeant Damien training ground Lag!
4) Performing the puppet emote!
5) At Jagex we ensure you are healthy so to counteract the time spent on the computer *brb off to do 100 star jumps* every hour.
6)Sent flying by rammernaughts spin *is stunned*
Meanwhile, at the Drill Demon random event....
"Gimme starjumps private"
"O but I can't... I CANT!!!"
I think it's the same as who the zammy. Mod Chrisso
realizing he just became the owner of the party room he jumped for joy and ran out screamming.
sadly this recruit wont make it past the star jumps phase of his training, "1 down 99 to go privat!"
and the winner is...um, ok not this guy, no not him...ok i win.
can someone say starjump?(at the tv) star j-jump, "very good"
the mod bots start with only the best training
oh no!! oh the horrer the modbods are torturing the human race!!!
1) Awesome emote!
2) So Jagex Mods can get random events!
3) Yuss! I just single-handedly cabbage bombed the GE!
4) Yay! I won a 2-months of free Runescape membership! Oh wait...
5) I just PK-ed Mod Mar--oh wait...he didn't die.
6) The Sandwich Lady just said she'd go on a date with him.
7) Who's the controller, now? You or the Kinect...
8) YAYAY! Hey wait, are you taking pictures of this with your commorb??
9) Apparently it's Friday...
10) Yes! I just finished all the tasks! Oh wait...there's more Lumbridge tasks now.
11) I finally got on the high scores list!
12) Yay! I won March's caption contest!
13) The Emote Testing Department.