1. If you've not bought anything from the store yet, could you tell me why?
Before this new store I didnt see anything interesting, but also... "I pk'd your mom"? oh come on.. seriously, Im NOT going to wear that xD
I also think it is much better now, for example there is shirts for girls, it was about time... And I like the Party Pete one, but still Im not sure if I could feel comfortable wearing it.
Still, I dont think Im going to buy anything soon, I guess I have other priorities to waste my money on. Maybe someday ;P
2. The latest t-shirts (the clan logo ones) are a bit of a change in tempo to the earlier stuff - they're limited edition and designed by monkeys for a start. What do you think? better? worse? different?
(Looking at women collection I guess you mean the ones from "Iconic Table - Ladies" to "Bad Monkey! - Ladies" o.O)
They are limited?? really? I didnt know that xD *looks at pocket* >.< no money there... ;(
Well I think they are the best I seen in your store, personaly, I love the cabbage bomb one and I could love to wear that, actualy I know someone who would love it too haha *points at Jan Cabbage*. I also like the chaos sad face xD it looks funny. And maybe the Rubber Chicken or the monkey ones being alone could be funny too, but I dislike the 2 images combo.
In my opinion you should keep them on the store for a long time, the simple designs make them more "wearable", much better than a full pic of bandos with a lot of details o.O. Also they are fun and smoothy lines, I like that you can wear them being Runescape related without it being quite obvious, makes them be more genious.
Well you got my taste on them xD I guess those supa macho man love to have a ugly face on their back, but it is not my case ;P
EDIT: I just realized I was checking the American store o.O oh well, its almost the same
28-Mar-2011 23:50:45
- Last edited on
29-Mar-2011 00:07:35