Oh, hey look! A store discussion thread. How long has this been here?
---First off, these questions---
1. If you've not bought anything from the store yet, could you tell me why?
~I like the fact Jagex is selling Runescape Merchandise, but none of the store items caught my eye.
2. The latest t-shirts (the clan logo ones) are a bit of a change in tempo to the earlier stuff - they're limited edition and designed by monkeys for a start. What do you think? better? worse? different?
~Better? Not exactly. I'm not into clans; I'm kind of a lone wolf.
Worse? No.
Different? Not as such, no. It's all just 'Merchandise' to me. Like I said, nothing caught my eye.
---The Runescape Novels---
I should try these, I'm not sure why I've been putting them off. My bookshelf is full of a crapload of Star Wars novels, the Halo novels, and the Fullmetal Alchemist manga series. I also enjoy Pratchett's Discworld Novels. So why SHOULDN'T I try Church's Runescape series? And yet, for some odd reason, I've never ordered them.
I blame the Chaos Elemental.
Overall, I would recommend you regularly get the community to send you images and ideas (like through the T-Shirt Competition you hosted), and try hosting a large variety of player-made designs in the store. After all, players know what players like. Who knows? You may have many players who have come up with sweet designs since last competition, and are waiting for another competition to send them in.
19-Apr-2011 01:33:15