Hello bookworms!
This Saturday (March 26 2011) at 8pm GMT, we will have the pleasure of T.S Church's company for a Q&A session right here to celebrate the launch of his new book, "Return to Canifis".
We'll be picking up from his hotel, taking him for a suitable meal (there's a vampire theme to the sequel so yep, we'll be having steak and garlic) before bringing him to the studio and sitting him down to answer your questions.
Your questions can be about pretty much anything so whether you want advice on how to get your work published, want to know Tom's tricks of the trade or are just interested to know whether he favours a garlic or black pepper sauce on his steak, post your questions here. =)
The question thread will stay open from now until the the end of the Q&A session so if you're can't make it on Saturday, there's still plenty of chance for you to get your questions answered.
T.S. Church will be posting the answers to your questions on
this thread
I'm now off to fashion all of Mod Kat's shiny stuff into a sort of silver bullety thing to be on the safe side so I'll see you Saturday.
If you want a bit of a heads up on "Return to Canifis", check out
this excerpt
and this
by sixthaxis.
Update: Thank you for all of your questions, you've certainly kept T.S. Church busy and entertained
We're off to get some novels signed and decide which lucky players will win the signed copies!
Paul M
23-Mar-2011 17:38:00
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26-Mar-2011 22:01:36
Mod Kat
I've only seen the paperback edition so far, will it also come out in hardcover?
I have Betrayal at Falador in hardcover so I prefer hardcover for this book too
BTW, Really liked the first book, looking forward to reading this one
You will never get anything for free. Anyone claiming that is trying to scam, lure or hijack you.
|| Currently playing on:
|| Dutch
24-Mar-2011 12:22:28
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24-Mar-2011 12:37:23
Hey, I Brought 'Betrayal At Falador' In Hardcover, and have has to buy the new book in Paperback...
So my question is - Is there a Hardback version? Or have i missed it? :o
Ooh! Another Question - Will Kara ever be a Signature Hero? She deserves to be! (And what Ronald Says imply's she is...?)
Thanks for an amazing first book! Hope second one is as good as the first!
First Page Woot
And @First Poster - Please dont spam the forums
I like your item:
24-Mar-2011 12:22:30
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24-Mar-2011 12:26:53
I'll be honest, I only read Betrayal at Falador after I won a signed copy at RuneFest, it's not something I imagined myself reading and to be honest I really expected it to... not live up to the game. How wrong was I! I honestly couldn't put it down once I got going so I'll be buying my copy of Return to Canifis with high hopes
Anyway, my question, how many RuneScape themed books do you plan to release, if you have a number at all that is. Will the stories connect in any way or will they be completely different from each other.
Keep up the good work,
Kyle Watson.
Cool! Tasogaryn here with a handful of questions, ripe for the picking. (:
1. What's your history as an author? Have you been published before, or is this a new gig, of sorts?
2. Sort of a follow-up to the first question -- if you HAVE been published in the past, was your audience then similar or dissimilar to the one you've got now? Have you had to tone things down, or ramp things up? After all, Runescape is a game for ages +13.
3. Writers' block. Ugh. How do you breach the Gobi Desert between inciting incident and conclusion? How d'ya keep the plot points coming?
4. What's the creative process like for a book based off of a game? Were you in contact with people from Jagex every step of the way, or did they step off and just let you write? Did this change from "Betrayal at Falador"?
5. Do YOU play Runescape?
6. Any advice for, perhaps, an aspiring writer who can't seem to (a) finish her ideas/get them down on paper, or (b) doesn't know where to start to get published?
To be kind to the rest of you people, I'll cut off my questions there -- although I feel like the second I post this, I'll remember something really pressing I had wanted to ask.
Thanks so much!