Hello there.
this is the Q & A page, so if you dont mind, i have a few questions.
i'l start of first to say, that ive read your first book and i loved it. i dont belive i slept very well for about 3 days because i was up all night reading it. and i have read it fully about 3 times.
to thy questions:
My first has got to me your name, T.S Church, now are you a Saradomin follower, because maybe its "the saradomin church". or maybe i play runescape too much.
2. at one point in the book, it says somthing along the lines of "travelling to edgeville", but edgeville didnt exist then, if this hasn't been changed, how do you feel about it?
3. was your first book going to be just planned as a small fan fiction, or had you planned to send it of to jagex?
4. if you could Suggest annyytthiing to jagex, and have them imput it into runescape, what would it be?
5. if you could meet and runescape NPC in person, and talk to him/her who would it be? and why.
finally, because i dont want to steal your time, if you could enter the runescape world, what would you take with you, and why?
Thanks for your time, and good luck on your next books ;D
~~ Lord Tor~~
24-Mar-2011 17:29:13