I think Betrayal at Falador is a great book and I look forward to reading Return to Canfis.
My Questions:
Do you see your books becoming a long series
Lastly, what was your inspiration for the series?
That's it and I hope Kara-Meir's and all the other hero's swords stay sharp and unbroken.
24-Mar-2011 20:54:02
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26-Mar-2011 12:38:34
Rich 9115
My question is: why did you use horses in the beggining, instead of something more runescape themed like terrorbirds or unicorns? It is to my knowledge that horses don't exist in Gielinor.
Thank you for your time, and i plan on buying the book soon!
24-Mar-2011 21:02:12
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24-Mar-2011 21:02:38
Good evening Mr.Church, I hope the JaGex staff gave you a good 'bite' to eat.
Joking aside, I am curious; what are your thoughts on writing novels with ideas that are already present, that you can kind-of engineer and play around with to make your own?
As well, novels where you start from scratch and formulate new ideas and build on them from there?
Could you say you like either method more than the other?
Thanks for the time, and keep doing what you're doing.
Best of luck,
lmmortal Me.
First, I must say that I enjoyed your first book, which I got for the Christ's Mass this past year, and I am looking forward to reading the new one. I thought that it was an excellent story and that it would appeal to not only the RuneScape players who like to read, but also to Runescape fans who do not read much and to the individuals who enjoy reading the books of the Fantasy genera who are not familiar with the MMORPG. I think that the idea of introducing gamers to books and readers to online worlds is an awesome promotion of diversity, and I hope that your next book expands the interest in literature while it grows the online community.
Now that I have complemented you on your great work, I must ask, how long had you played RuneScape when you started writing the first book, and how successful were you in the game? I learned many things about the game from your book. You pointed out things that I had never noticed before, even things that I have walked past hundreds of times. I hope to learn many more things about the magical world of RuneScape from your new book, and I hope that you never lose your interests in playing and writing.
Echo of Snac
Is the Return to Canifis novel considered Canon (part of the RuneScape storyline) in the RuneScape universe, just like Betrayal at Falador?
Hi! Fishy here! I'm currently about halfway through Betrayal at Falador, and i have two questions. The first is, why do you exaggerate the distance so much in the book? It's definitly not a 2 days journey from Falador to Taverley, and its maybe 20 feet from Falador to the statue north of it, not a few miles. My second question is, why is adamant so valuable a metal in the book? It takes a high smithing level to make but it is very commonly seen throughout Runescape. Shouldn't the rare metal be runite? Or maybe even dragon? Thanks if you read this!
24-Mar-2011 21:21:27
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24-Mar-2011 21:22:54
Hello Mr. Church, I would like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind
First off, how did you discover RuneScape? As far as my knowledge goes, you were a RuneScape player prior to writing your first book, Betrayal at Falador.
Is there anything from your early memories of RuneScape, or personal experiences in the game, that you gained inspiration from whilst writing Betrayal at Falador or Return to Canifis?
What contributed to how your writing style developed? Did any friends of yours influence you and how you write, or was it more of something you solely developed yourself?
If you could choose one character to completely re-model, in terms of appearance, on RuneScape, who would it be?
If you could choose one character to completely re-model, in terms of their past, characteristics, and everything else that matters, on RuneScape, who would it be?
What would you say would be the best way for aspiring writers to get a solid footing as an author at an early stage? Is there any personal advice you can give? Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with hardships as a writer.
Thank you very much for agreeing to do this Q&A session, Mr. Church, I truly do appreciate it
Just your friendly neighborhood team player.
my question is...........
did you base any of the characters personality off of anybody you actually know?
i have not read any of the books but i would like to. i went to the bookstore near me but i could not find any of your books.