on this weeks poll, I think you should have given the option of individual blades and individual hilts. I voted B because of the blade. the hilt looks decent too, but given the option, I would pick the hilt of C. Just a though(and i'm not the only one; check the comments on FB)
I'm gonna have to go with the rest of the majority on this one: B would look freaking awesome with C's hilt (and that cool little design right before the hilt on B). So obviously I voted B.
I share the same opinion as the previous posters.
I like C's hilt, but the blade doesn't have a very *sharp* feeling, possibly due to the blade being smaller than the rest of the sword's body.
If you could mix up C's hilt, B's blade and enlarge it enough to fit the hilt, that would make an awesome Dragon Scimitar =)
I voted for B because it had the only decent looking blade, but I, too, like the hilt that was on C the best. By the way, why on earth is this poll F2P as well as P2P? Free players don't get to use the Dragon Scimitar, so I don't think they should have a say in its design.
just wanting to let u know that i know u tried to hide the results to the recent poll on the d-scimmy by replacing the vote percentages, but unfortunately u left off one MAJOR detail. u forgot to hide the names! every1 can see the order of what's winning and whats losing! and the order is (at least it was when i made this post. it might change):
1: Option B
2: Option D
3: Option C
4: Option A
5: Original Design
just thought i'd let u know so that you can make it a surprise next time something like this happens.