The Flagstaff of Festivities is a commemorative item given to those who purchased a ticket to RuneFest 2010. Including the official logo of the RuneFest, players can wield the flagstaff or place the banner in the ground, allowing other players the option to read the banner. Do you approve or disapprove of our decision to release such an item?
* Approve
* Disapprove
25-May-2010 12:03:49
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25-May-2010 12:04:27
Ranger Pk26
Another decent poll....wish it had more questions though.
Here's an idea I had for a skill training poll:
1) How do you train Firemaking?
a-Buy logs to burn
b-Cut my own logs to burn, might as well get some woodcutting experience too
c-Pick up logs people have dropped or spawn in certain locations
d-Use a firemaking activities like The Beacon Network
e-I don't train firemaking
2) How do you train Mining?
a-Mine and drop my ores on the ground
b-Mine and bank ores when my inventory is full
c-Mine and sell ores to a store to save time banking
c-Mine ores and smelt into bars using superheat spell
d-Use a mining activity like Shooting Stars
e-I don't train mining
3) How do you train Cooking?
a-Buy raw meats to cook
b-Kill chickens/cows/rats or catch fish and cook the meats
c-Bake pies or pizzas in the cooking guild
d-Make wine
e-Use a Cooking activity like Gnome Restaurant
f-I don't train Cooking
4) How do you train Runecrafting?
a-Mine essence and take it to an altar myself
b-Buy essence and take it to an altar myself
c-Use runners like air or nature runners
d-Use a Runecrafting activity like Great Orb Project
e-I don't train Runecrafting
5) How do you train Fishing?
a-Catch fish and bank when my inventory is full
b-Catch fish and drop on the ground
c-Catch fish and trade to others when my inventory is full
d-Use a Fishing activity like Fish Flingers
e-I don't train Fishing
6) How do you train Smithing?
a-Mine ore, Smelt bars, and make items
b-Buy ore, Smelt bars, and make items
c-Mine ore, Smelt bars, and sell them
d-Buy ore, Smelt bars, and sell them
e-Buy bars and make items
f-Use a smithing activity like Blast Furnace
g-I don't train smithing
There could be more questions, but this is all I can fit for now. Keep the polls coming
26-May-2010 20:36:27
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26-May-2010 21:02:42
Rane Sedai
I think you should have a Poll on Constitution. I'm always helping in the Rants section of the Forums, and many, MANY, people complain about the HP update. I believe we should have a poll to see where the majority stands: Constituion or old HP? It's not really a matter of changing it, just to see the majority of people's opinions though
Thanks for your time JaGex
"The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes."