I really enjoy taking part in the polls. Every time I see that there is a new poll I quickly take part in it before opting for "Play now".
I have a concern about the accuracy of the "select all that apply" questions. For example, in this latest poll question 3 asks "What do you think keeps you coming back to Runescape?". I think there should be a way to rate the priority level of each response that applies. Just because one response is selected by more people than all the others doesn't mean that the people who selected that response would rate that answer as being their biggest motivation to keep coming back to runescape.
Main Subject:This Poll will give a bit of information on how well players have payed attention and how much they know about the gods. Over later installments of this poll the questions will become harder and harder, making the players really want to know more about their chosen gods.
Suggested Title:How well do you know your Runescape God #1
(you can probably find a shorter title)
Suggested Question 1:Who is the God of Balance?
- Armadyl
- Guthix
Suggested Question 2:What God did Zamorak betray?
- Saradomin
- Bandos
- Zaros
Suggested Question 3:What was the name of the Goblin tribe that betrayed/Free themselves from Bandos?
- Dorgeshuun
- Narogoshuun
- Burnt Meat?
Suggested Question 4
id you learn any new facts about the Runescape gods in this poll?
- Yes
- No
- N00B, everyone knows this!
Your Username: Thorkarvald
Extra: I have not yet learned all I can about the runescape gods, but as soon as I do I will submit another poll.
I really like participating in the polls to see how other players feel about the game... kind of like reading their minds
Sometimes if you are the odd one out in the clan, it's nice to see that other people think the same way you do... at least on some things
Nice poll and strangely ironic conidering i've only just come back to runescape after a 6 - 7 month break and asked "What keeps you coming back?" - What the hell guys?
Now, shout me membership so I can get my hunter sc.
Like others, I find polls fun to participate in and see what others have voted on
Fun to see how my opinions are similar to those others in the rs community.