Nice little poll. I drift in and out of actually playing the game... I do enjoy the new content, but the grind makes it quite annoying. It's not so much the amount of xp required to get the next level, it's more that the most efficient ways to train a skill is earned so early on for a lot of skills.
Smithing and mining are big examples, where mining iron is the most efficient way to train mining since you get it with just one swing of your pickaxe, while other ores take far longer.
Smithing has the bars above steel not compensate for the added coal requirements or the additional time to mine the ore in the first place. You'd expect mithril, adamant, and rune, to be x2, x3, and x4 the xp of steel respectively if that were the case. But it's not, and so levelling smithing is just endlessly smelting steel or gold from the levels you get them until you hit 99.
And that's what's driving me crazy. There's so much stuff in this game, but there's just no incentive to use them. So many new things you can do with skills... that are pointless to do for lack of xp. All those various minigames like Trouble Brewing and Tai Bwo Wannai that would be actual FUN ways to train a skill, if it weren't for the abysmal xp (You guys added Pest Control as an activity that was useful for training combat, why not let more activities be useful for training skills, like building the Mort'ton temple). New areas and dungeons unlocked via quests... that get ignored the moment the quest is done.
What motivates me is the new and exciting things to do whenever an update hits or I finally pass a skill requirement, and what demotivates me is that there's no point to doing what motivates me, it is a waste of time that doesn't help me with other goals.
09-Aug-2010 23:07:53