I always vote in the polls, it's good to express my opinions and see what others think. The only problem I had with the poll was question five. I NEVER miss the polls so it may have been good for a "I never miss the polls!" option. Other than that, great!
I as well voted i would post on this thread (first time on forums, pretty sure).
I always vote on the polls! But i didn't know you give free membership to a participant- that's pretty cool!
Question 5:
What stops you from voting in polls or giving us feedback via our inbox/thread: I do have access to the forums as I have enough XP, except I'm not a member which has prevented me from voting on some of the polls!
Well i said i would post on this thread about the "poll about polls" It was usfull i learned that i have a chance at a free month of membership. (a small chance but a chance all the same).
What stops you from voting in polls or giving us feedback via our inbox/thread?
Sometimes i missed some polls but now I become a fan runescape at facebook so I think now I miss less polls then before.
Love the polls! Just started them recently...had lots of fun. I think when i finished a poll it said to leave something on this forum....well i guess i did my job..lol
I said I would post here in the last poll, so here is my post. As a 55 year old woman, I would like to see a poll on the demographics of runescape players.