Hi Nick! If you feel this is where it should be then that's fine. Thank you for letting me know, and for moving it to the correct place. Hopefully, it gets some good questions in before tomorrow!
Ok, so my question is regarding addictive behaviours and how Jagex could possibly help reduce this. It's partially about MTX but on the whole, it's about spending/overspending irl and generation of in-game money.
We've all had times where we've gone a little bit crazy spending money on overrides, bonds, and keys, right? Is there a way Jagex can put caps/limits on how much an account can spend on a daily/weekly/monthly basis? I heard someone spend 62k on keys at one point! I know it's up to the customer to make those choices, and some bank apps allow you to control what your card is being used for (mine can block gambling/online payments), but can Jagex give a gentle nudge before people go crazy?
Overspending can lead to many, many problems. Debt is a big one. This can build up over time and ultimately cause someone to become anxious and depressed especially if there are bills that need paying while someone is stuck in a vicious addictive cycle.
There's also the place known as the 'sand casino', the duel arena. It's a good way to chance your luck but for some people, it's all they do instead of playing the game and enjoying it. I know some people have put EVERYTHING they have and lost it ALL and quit because they didn't have the motivation to earn it back. I understand that this is technically their own fault, but again, it could be helped if there were measures in place to limit specific areas where people tend to go a little overboard.
I know you may not be able to answer, and my question may seem a little silly but if you could, I'd really appreciate it. And if there's a way that something could be done - even better!
OK - on spending, if anyone requests to disable their account, or a block on payments, we can do that, though payment caps at x or y level are not possible. You're correct, though, that many apps and platforms provide ways to cap spending themselves, and I suggest anyone in that situation make use of them.
As for a 'gentle nudge' as you put it, that's something we're looking at - it'll take a little while, but we like the idea, and will trial something like that in the near future.
As for the $62k on keys, that was a 'reported' figure of a 25 year old's debts, and in the DCMS Parliamentary Committee the only evidence given in that same case was for £17k - still a lot, I grant you, but over a 5 or 10 year period, that's not so much.
The Duel arena only uses in game gold, which can be acquired in a variety of methods. As with any area of the game, it's totally up to players to engage with it or not, and a lot of players enjoy it - thanks for your thoughts, and we'll always take on board feedback.
Hi Nick! If you feel this is where it should be then that's fine. Thank you for letting me know, and for moving it to the correct place. Hopefully, it gets some good questions in before tomorrow!

Ok, so my question is regarding addictive behaviours and how Jagex could possibly help reduce this. It's partially about MTX but on the whole, it's about spending/overspending irl and generation of in-game money.
We've all had times where we've gone a little bit crazy spending money on overrides, bonds, and keys, right? Is there a way Jagex can put caps/limits on how much an account can spend on a daily/weekly/monthly basis? I heard someone spend 62k on keys at one point! I know it's up to the customer to make those choices, and some bank apps allow you to control what your card is being used for (mine can block gambling/online payments), but can Jagex give a gentle nudge before people go crazy?
Overspending can lead to many, many problems. Debt is a big one. This can build up over time and ultimately cause someone to become anxious and depressed especially if there are bills that need paying while someone is stuck in a vicious addictive cycle.
There's also the place known as the 'sand casino', the duel arena. It's a good way to chance your luck but for some people, it's all they do instead of playing the game and enjoying it. I know some people have put EVERYTHING they have and lost it ALL and quit because they didn't have the motivation to earn it back. I understand that this is technically their own fault, but again, it could be helped if there were measures in place to limit specific areas where people tend to go a little overboard.
I know you may not be able to answer, and my question may seem a little silly but if you could, I'd really appreciate it. And if there's a way that something could be done - even better!

OK - on spending, if anyone requests to disable their account, or a block on payments, we can do that, though payment caps at x or y level are not possible. You're correct, though, that many apps and platforms provide ways to cap spending themselves, and I suggest anyone in that situation make use of them.
As for a 'gentle nudge' as you put it, that's something we're looking at - it'll take a little while, but we like the idea, and will trial something like that in the near future.
As for the $62k on keys, that was a 'reported' figure of a 25 year old's debts, and in the DCMS Parliamentary Committee the only evidence given in that same case was for £17k - still a lot, I grant you, but over a 5 or 10 year period, that's not so much.
The Duel arena only uses in game gold, which can be acquired in a variety of methods. As with any area of the game, it's totally up to players to engage with it or not, and a lot of players enjoy it - thanks for your thoughts, and we'll always take on board feedback.
Mod Kelvin
| Director of Player Experience | Jagex Charitable Giving
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10-Oct-2019 17:39:32